Roaming - A minimalist way of traveling

Roaming - A minimalist way of traveling
Photo by Harsh Gupta / Unsplash

You may have noticed the name of this blog and wondered what "Roaming" is.

roam - to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are going to do

I like to think of roaming as a type of travel where you have the freedom to explore and move about without having to plan every single detail. It's also about being resilient to changes and unforeseen circumstances. My approach to this is through minimalism.

One distinction I often make is that the goal of minimalism is not to own as little as possible, it's to make life simpler and easier by owning less stuff. The same applies to roaming, the goal is not to travel without planning, it's to make traveling simpler and more flexible.

The goal of roaming is not to travel without planning, it's to make travelling simpler and more flexible.

This type of traveling rose in popularity after COVID, when every other day there were news of delays and long lines pretty much everywhere. The delays in baggage claims made a lot of people turn to one-bagging, in which they only travel with one carry-on bag.

The freedom of movement

Minimalist travel is all about letting go of the need to plan every detail and embracing the unknown. By traveling with only the essentials, you free yourself from the burden of lugging around heavy luggage and are able to move more easily and comfortably. This freedom of movement allows you to be more spontaneous and adaptable, which can lead to unexpected and memorable experiences.

One of the key benefits of minimalist travel is the freedom it gives you to change your plans on a whim. When you're not weighed down by a lot of luggage, it's much easier to hop on a last-minute flight or take a train to a different destination. You don't have to worry about whether or not your luggage will fit in the overhead compartment or if you'll be charged extra for your bags. Plus, with less stuff to keep track of, you'll have more energy and focus to enjoy your surroundings.

Booking last-minute accommodation and transportation can also be less of a hassle when you're traveling with only a carry-on bag. You don't have to worry about whether you'll be able to find a taxi that can accommodate all of your bags, or if you can hop on a train and keep track of all your luggage. With minimalist travel, you can simply show up at your destination and start exploring right away.

Overall, minimalist travel allows for greater freedom of movement, both physically and mentally. By simplifying and decluttering your life, you can focus on the present moment and truly experience the joys of traveling.

Photo by Kace Rodriguez / Unsplash

The art of packing light

When it comes to roaming, packing light is key. By carrying only the essentials, you'll be able to move more easily and comfortably, and you'll have more space in your bag for souvenirs and other items you might pick up along the way. But how do you decide what to bring and what to leave behind?

One strategy is to choose versatile, multi-purpose clothing and gear. Instead of packing a different outfit for every possible occasion, select a few pieces of clothing that can be mixed and matched to create multiple looks. For example, a neutral-colored button-down shirt can be worn dressed up or down, and can also be used as a light jacket or a cover-up. Similarly, a pair of comfortable walking shoes that can also be dressed up for a night out.

Another tip is to focus on quality over quantity. Invest in a few high-quality, durable items that will last through multiple trips rather than buying cheap, disposable items that will fall apart after one wear. This way, you'll have fewer items to replace and maintain in the long run, saving you time, money and resources.

The art of packing light is a skill that takes practice, but with a little bit of planning and the right mindset, you'll be able to pack all the essentials you need for your trip in a single carry-on bag.

Embracing Uncertainty

One of the most rewarding aspects of roaming is the ability to embrace uncertainty and go with the flow. Without a rigid itinerary, you're free to follow your curiosity and discover new places and experiences. This open-minded approach to travel can lead to deeper connections with local cultures and communities, and can also result in unexpected and memorable experiences.

By not having a set plan, you're more likely to stumble upon hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations. You'll be able to talk to locals, ask for recommendations and get a sense of what the area is really like. This way, you'll have a more authentic and local experience, which is often more rewarding than sticking to a predetermined list of tourist sights.

Roaming also teaches you to be more resourceful and adaptable. When you're traveling with only the essentials, you learn to make do with what you have and find creative solutions to unexpected problems. This mindset can be applied to other areas of your life, helping you to become more resilient and self-sufficient.

Embracing uncertainty doesn't mean you should be completely reckless or unprepared. You should still have a general idea of where you're going and what you want to do, but be open to change and be willing to adjust your plans as you go. The beauty of roaming is that it allows you to be more present in the moment and to take life as it comes.

By embracing uncertainty and going with the flow, roaming allows you to have a more authentic and local experience, to be more resourceful and adaptable, and to deepen your connection with the local culture and communities.


In conclusion, roaming is a way of approaching travel that emphasizes freedom of movement, simplicity, and flexibility. By traveling with only the essentials and embracing uncertainty, you can experience the joys of traveling in a more authentic and meaningful way.

Roaming allows you to move more easily and comfortably, to be more spontaneous and adaptable, to pack light and to focus on the present moment. It also allows you to connect deeper with the local cultures and communities, to be more resourceful and adaptable, and reduce your environmental impact.

I hope this post has inspired you to try roaming for yourself. Remember that roaming is not about deprivation or sacrifice, but about simplifying and decluttering your life so that you can focus on what truly matters. So pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and start roaming today!